"Do It Yourself" Design!
~ something we've all done from time to time ~
If you're like me there are times when you just wing it and your concept works. There are times that winging it is not an option since the process involves some complex manoeuvres that a checklist or step by step plan are necessary for a successful outcome.
I'm an artist and designer who enjoys reclaiming and re-purposing to reCREATE cool artwork, functional furnishings, decor accessories and innovative installations. I am always reading, watching and following what's happening around me in the DIY world, and I have to say it is truly inspiring and amazing what people are doing by thinking creatively green.
Here are a few cool books that really speak to the "Do It Yourself" spirit of Designing and Creating. If you get a chance check them out.
Filled with some awesome inspiring ideas here are a few of my favourites:
Design Sponge at Home
Young House Love
Hand Made Modern
ReMake It!
Made By Hand
The Handbuilt Home
" The design world is your oyster ~ so start shucking!"DeeBeeCool